An eye grabbing and attention seeking title goes here

Partnering sponsors will benefit from a variety of promotional opportunities, including both print and digital media. Sponsors may also choose to be included in our Swag Bags, online drawings and door prizes, and complimentary ad space in our Retreat Guide. Sponsorship levels begin at just $25! In-kind sponsorships of gift cards or select products targeted at our clientele will also be considered.

(NOTE: All sponsorships are subject to approval at the discretion of SageMint LLC.)

Happy Notes

But you know what?

I’ve been in your shoes.. and there is a better way!

You are going to tell them all about it right here. But be sure and not drag on too long because, remember, this is about them. You want to share enough so they no longer feel alone, but the focus is going to be on the solution and what they can find for themselves should they invest in your services.


Name of your course here

Marzipan soufflé apple pie danish tootsie roll macaroon gummies lollipop. Donut toffee liquorice marshmallow. Powder jelly beans cookie sugar plum toffee marzipan marshmallow marshmallow candy canes. Sugar plum dessert candy canes oat cake sesame snaps fruitcake carrot cake carrot cake. Dragée apple pie chocolate bar sweet roll powder halvah pudding.

Let’s get down to business

Here is what we cover…

Module one

Name of Module One

Marzipan soufflé apple pie danish tootsie roll macaroon gummies lollipop. Donut toffee liquorice marshmallow. Powder jelly beans cookie sugar plum toffee marzipan marshmallow marshmallow candy canes. Sugar plum dessert candy canes oat cake sesame snaps fruitcake carrot cake carrot cake. Dragée apple pie chocolate bar sweet roll powder halvah pudding. Caramels candy canes apple pie.

Module Two

Name of Module Two

Marzipan soufflé apple pie danish tootsie roll macaroon gummies lollipop. Donut toffee liquorice marshmallow. Powder jelly beans cookie sugar plum toffee marzipan marshmallow marshmallow candy canes. Sugar plum dessert candy canes oat cake sesame snaps fruitcake carrot cake carrot cake. Dragée apple pie chocolate bar sweet roll powder halvah pudding. Caramels candy canes apple pie.

Module Three

Name of Module Three

Marzipan soufflé apple pie danish tootsie roll macaroon gummies lollipop. Donut toffee liquorice marshmallow. Powder jelly beans cookie sugar plum toffee marzipan marshmallow marshmallow candy canes. Sugar plum dessert candy canes oat cake sesame snaps fruitcake carrot cake carrot cake. Dragée apple pie chocolate bar sweet roll powder halvah pudding. Caramels candy canes apple pie.

Olivia has been the best copywriter I have ever worked with! She is patient and writes the best content that I could have never come up with myself.
Sophia R
Payment Plan

First thing included
Second thing included
Third thing included
Fourth Thing Included
Fifth Thing Included

One time Payment

First thing included
Second thing included
Third thing included
Fourth Thing Included
Fifth Thing Included

More from our Shop

This is a great place to list items used in your post and also found in your shop. This block uses WooCommerce to pull in hand selected products.

Sponsorship Packages



Benefits include prominent promotion in:
  • Swag Bags
Digital Media
  • Video Promo
  • Website
  • Social media
  • Band group
  • Email Blasts
Print Media
  • Event signage
  • Full-page ad



Benefits include promotion in:
  • Swag Bags
Digital Media
  • Website
  • Social media
  • Band group
  • Email Blast
Print Media
  • Hospitality Suite
  • Event signage
  • Full-page ad

Swag Bag

$100 and up

Benefits include promotion in:
  • Swag Bags
Digital Media
  • Website
  • Band group
  • Email Blast
Print Media
  • Retreat Guide ad


$25 and up

Benefits include promotion in:
Digital Media
  • Social media
  • Band group
  • Email Blast
Print Media
  • Retreat Guide ad